Full package marketing service

In some countries, especially in Europe. Labor and operation costs are very high. It’s very costly for small companies to employ enough resources directly , such as a full functional marketing team, or an IT team for distribution system and e-commerce projects. They will be very difficult to expand their products’ market into a far country like China or Japan. We can now provide a full package service, from exporting, importing, repacking, e-commerce, marketing, distribution to selling.

It does not only reduce the costs in new market penetration, but also reduce the business risk into minimum.

Our Success Story


Ronneby Bruk is a cast iron cookware manufacturer. The bearer of a several hundred years old tradition of foundries in Ronneby area, in the the south of Sweden. With the efforts and cooperations from our subsidiaris Chang Interational AB (in Sweden), Shanghai Ren-Chang Trading and Shanghai Ren-Da exhibition service, we successfully established a competitive position for the brand in the Chinese market, and make it into one of the most welcomed cookware brand.

What we do is not only limited in exporting, importing and custom clearance for the products, but also

  • Design and produce cartons, EPE foam packages.

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  • Drag out sales points for Chinese market

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  • Implement web shops and promotions

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  • Establish distribution, reselling channels

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If you are in Europe and wish to expand your product sales into the enormous market of China, please contact our Stockholm office:

Chang International AB, +46 (0) 737 04 90 23

If you are in Asia, such as China or Japan, and wish to expand your market into Europe, please contact our Shanghai office:

Shanghai Ren-Chang Trading Co. Ltd., +86 (21) 52560634

(Our new subsidiary and office in Japan is in establishing. We will soon be able to help you in expanding your product market into Japan as well.)